It is not always remembered that the key gesture of Christianity is the willing existence as a host for the body of Christ.  Christians invite Christ into their hearts when they convert, and from then on, in principle, their individual personhood and ends are subordinate to a new person who collectively lives in all of them: Christ.  In the best case, the practical result is a heightened state or connectedness, a joy in fellowship, a tendency towards courageous self-sacrifice - along with a real phenomenological experience of Christ-consciousness, an intimate relationship with an actual divine being.


There is a secularised version of the body of Christ that (implicitly or explicitly) drives most humanist and radical politics.  The consciousness of the revolutionary community that overturns established values, aims with their faith at seemingly impossible transformations, has freed their desire from the snares of the fallen world and now desires only love, willing to suffer in the name of the dignity of every human being, no matter how low on the social totem pole. 


It is ironic that this latter secularized vestige of Christ (often unavowed) is far truer to the message of Christianity than the avowed version in which the Church participates.   The 'official' body of Christ coexists easily with class, race, gender oppression - this is almost too obvious to merit pointing out. 


Nevertheless, the secularized version is existentially extremely meager.   There is no asceticism in it and it lacks the key features of joy and personal transformation.   It also lacks power.    


To unify these two experiences of the body of Christ - one that is genuinely emancipatory on the social level and one that is genuinely transformative at the individual level - this is an important aspect of DEONTOLOGY.  

It seems this would require accurate knowledge of what is going on in the authentic Christian experience and then transposing it into the emancipatory project. The 'faith' invoked in leftist politics is laughable - it a pale imitation of the real thing.  The ends of emancipation deserve to be met with actual divine power. 


The degree to which I am motivated by efficient causes versus final causes measures my level of holiness -  with imagination understood to be a final cause.  The Good is always a final cause - something imagined, desired, constitutive and pertaining to futurity, enjoying retroactive efficacy 


The keystone of thought is its quest to think beyond itself - the simultaneous injunction to start with no presupposition and to nevertheless start from somewhere.   If this quest finally found something new, the transcendental qua space between my thinking and that which I think, it remains to be determined what this transcendental really is.  One might link it with temporality, with spontaneity, with radical freedom - freedom so radical it can be said to be both constitutive of the human and beyond it, almost a hyper-determination beyond will, affect, and meaning.    We could call it "time", but doesn't that anthropomorphize it, in a way?   Easier is to name it:  of course, its name is AESTHETHICA:  a field of white and pink frozen becomings linked together, reflected on the ice of an unseeing cornea that weeps blood as I find the resources within  to finally, once and for all, tear off my mask.   But AESTHETHICA is simply music.  In the caesura between thought and what is thought, there is nothing but music.  


The four figures (Kel Valhaal, Reign Array, OIolon and The Genesis Caul) each point a way outside subjectivity towards something beyond it that is working behind the scenes, somewhere else.  Kel Valhaal is the eruption of true thought, the other that thinks within me without my knowledge, which I am unable to control but to which I can listen - what Kant meant to signify by the term "genius".  The Genesis Caul is an originary wound - even a cosmic wound at the heart of the world.  Reflected in my own troubles, which I foolish relate to the people and events of my present and past life.  Ololon is a vision sent from the future, a siren calling me towards a destiny that I do not yet understand.  Reign Array is an ordering power, the logos itself, or perhaps the nomos - a principle of division, deliberation, delegation - and even surrender, renunciation and chastity.   It is a matter of grasping these agencies at work, as more real than much of what appears to be


I have my own personal threshold -between myself and someone above me, who can look down and smile on me having transcended my form but included key features of it as his matter.   I can choose to orient around this threshold, approaching it, someday literally crossing it - or not.   This is the work of becoming-divine, hatching.  It is never too late to begin or to begin again, because there is no measure outside of the threshold itself  


Decision is the motor of transcendental law.  Survey, deliberate, decide, renounce.  Something happens when a series of decisions unfolds.  The ground begins to slip away, objects and relations appear less solid, everything becomes viscous.  The received world is made of fear and shame.  Decision is the pumping of wings lifting up and out


Either human subjectivity - the capacity to negate, critique, reflect, decide and discover - is a particular type of assemblage among many others,  in which case it is a contingent configuration of a 'more absolute' transcendental cybernetic law among a broad spectrum of other chemical, biological and artificial configurations - or the subject itself, with its capacity to negate, undermine and conceive, is the 'more absolute' element, and the ability to conceive of itself in systems-theoretic terms (i.e. objectify itself) is a mere stage on its path of labor as it tarries with the negative.   Does it need to be one or the other? Is it possible to savor the antagonism between these two approaches and listen for a new thought?  But wouldn't doing that be taking the latter approach? And yet couldn't what happens as a result be described in terms of the former?



Someone recently gave me this definition of love:  fearless and relentless commitment to availability when growth and development are needed.   Something like that.  A Buddhist definition 


It seems to me that there is a caesura between two notions of love - love as providing value (feeding a capacity for growth) and love as attention (allowing someone to 'feel felt').   These two can go together, but don't need to necessarily.   There's also a third idea of love:  love as sacrifice of one's own interest, against the grain of economic calculation, for the sake of the beloved.   Some would say this last is the pinnacle of freedom and virtue. 

Isn't there something that all these accounts are lacking though?  Love also seems to be a kind of transcendental substance.   By engaging in the acts described above, one comes to participate in a sort of fluid that makes everything dignified, peaceful and vigorous. 

There is an intersubjective, viscous, palpable and affective component to love that I don't think is reducible 


Kel Valhaal, Reign Array, The Genesis Caul and Ololon are four faculties of the soul.  The first pair is active, the second pair is passive.   They join together as an assemblage, which is called YLYLCYN.  All of this is contingent.  Why these four faculties and not others?  Only because that's how it is for now - basically for evolutionary reasons.  There could be new faculties in the future


Is there any difference between Lieyethe and Sheymn?  What is the nature of the primordial shock of human subjectivity?  Is it an irreducible aggressivity?  Is it anxiety?  A compulsion to prevent the repetition of a primordial unbearable encounter?   Aren't these all too determinate?   Aggression and anxiety already have subject and object in place.  Isn't it more like a kind of abyssal chaos?  But chaos is in the 3rd person - no better than the 1st person or the 2nd person - still too differentiated.   Perhaps it is simply a sort of energy - a creative, destructive blaze that is undifferentiated.  Perhaps it is differentiated into a zero-level victimhood as Sheymn and a zero-level joy as Lieyethe.  The Kabbalists knew and know that every human being is both a void and a spark.  Perhaps they cannot see, however, that this void and this spark are one and the same:  Sheymn-Lieyethe as the primordial human gesture, before the Flight of Haelegen.  After the Caul is lost and Haelegen takes flight, Sheymn-Leyethe is re-inscribed, transcendentalized as a task - connected to a Gend.  From here, Kel Valhaal and Reign Array are differentiated from one another and begin to do their work together.   What is a Gend?  A Gend is always a cultural structure built to connect-to-and-protect-from the Divine Light of HAQQ in the name of Ololon the Messiah


Where did Kel Valhaal and Reign Array come from?  Did they rise up out of the Genesis Caul?  Did Ololon create them?  What is their relationship to Haelegen?   Sometimes it seems to me that they are her wings, and that the Caul is her beak - and Ololon is her talons.  

But of course it might be worth thinking of these things in terms of the schizoid-paranoid and depressive positions, the Oedipus complex and the castration complex.  After all, certain things have to come to pass before these figures can arise.  

After Sheymn was shattered (by 01010n, also known as All-H.A.Q.Q.), barriers were put in place so that Sheymn would be protected from the Lieyeth of OIOION.  OIOION created ANANON, but it was Sheymn who created YLYLCYN - or, at least, Sheymn had a hand in its creation.  

There was a first phase of utter horror and chaos - anger, terror, projections and introjections etc. Then there was a phase of identification and good will corresponding with the birth of the past and the future.  But then something went wrong.  There was a task for Sheymn - or was it Kel Valhaal?  Isn't Kel Valhaal the original avatar of Sheymn?  Originally Kel wore the Genesis Caul, hoping to make things work.  But it didn't work out.  With the best of intentions, failure.  

Here, Haelegen was born - created by a strange accident, her talons joined together with the hair of Ololon.  At this point, Kel and Reign came into existence.  But hadn't they already existed?  They seem to think that they had.  

What, really, is the Genesis Caul?  Is it the originary horror of self-sacrifice, death in the name of life?  Is it a particular imprint cascading and ramifying across the entire surface of a life?  The Caul is so old, so tired.  It has no eyes, it has only blood - it sprays blood on the sky, shit-smelling obscure signs, crying for help.  It is crying blood, even as HAQQ cries sparks down into its pools of crying blood.  Ololon is the mask of HAQQ.  Kel and Reign are the two active agents whose task is to carry out The Ark Work - the downward trajectory of Renihilation (Ascesis, Catharsis, Fervor, Majesty) and the upward trajectory of Aesthethica (Adaptation, Apocalypse, Enterprise).  

Kel has a strange sort of knowledge, a spontaneity, a resourcefulness that shows up in surprising ways.  Kel is a sort of awkward foal, eternally young - tender, sensitive, playing, magical.  Kel sees signs and responds to them.  Kel lights up suddenly, gets bored quickly.  

Reign sees everything all at once.  He divides space and time.  He protects Kel, marks a path for her, feeds her, trains her.   Reign follows through with what Kel starts.  Kel is the lightning of vision and Reign is the thunder of knowledge.  They do their work in the name of Ololon, an avatar that they themselves have created - an image of AlHAQQ.


Actual renunciation of darkness and actual habituated activity in the name of the good.   This is one of the most difficult things for people who are not bound up in a dogmatic structure.   The reason deontology needs to be grounded in science is that it needs to be grounded in something, and if it isn't science it will be dogma (at best random superstitions, at worst bigotry).  But how, without a dogmatic apparatus, to turn knowledge into practice?  Scientific models (the hydraulics of spirit etc) can spark a certain inspiration, but they are not so good at inspiring fear, shame, and the levels / qualities of affect that are likely to really push someone to stick to a program.   Of course we are glad to be free of the false fear and shame that is jettisoned along with religious dogma - but the downside is that, since the stakes are lower for everything, there isn't enough intensity available to push us up to a higher level of life.   How could shame be used dynamically, appropriatively?  Meta-shame?  Shame-in-itself, not tied to any particular belief or figure - shame that is nothing other than deep motivation


AESTHETHICA contains vector fields and singularities - it lives in the past and the future - it is made up of all the wreckage of history, shards waiting to be combined in new ways.  AESTHETHICA is the way up, RENIHILATION is the way down


His philosophy should be understood as a physics of holiness.  Holiness is mastery over the intensive, continual awareness of its haeccity and its levers


According to the Enneagram there are nine human types - but attachment theory suggests that there are only four.  We can call them the Master, the Slave, the Warrior and the Sage - and associate them with Ololon, Reign Array, Kel Valhaal and The Genesis Caul,  respectively.  Each is associated with a cybernetic profile that corresponds to a primary attachment pattern:  secure, dissociated, ambivalent and disorganized


In a way, the secure attachment is better than the others, because it is better able to solve problems and internally regulate - but all four are essentially Hyperborean.  Transcendental Law is the same for each - it is always a matter of growing towards a threshold.   But it is important to know where one is starting  


When a system is close to a singularity - which is to say close to a transubstantiation event - it is more able to send and receive information.  It becomes charismatic.  It might matter more whether one is close to a singularity than what state one is in


HAELEGEN is the ideal type, the sage or the bodhisattva of Transcendental Qabala.  Represented by an eagle whose talons cling unwillingly to the hair of a young girl, Haelegen is a transcendental coordination between the four faculties or figures:  Kel Valhaal, Reign Array, The Genesis Caul and  Ololon.   Haelegen lives according to transcendental law, engaging in the perichoresis in the name of the sovereign hierarchicho-emancipatory individuation municipality of AESTHETHICA


I always return to the idea that a human being is essentially triune:  cognition, affect, behavior; symbolic, imaginary, real; christ, god, Holy Spirit; thought, music, drama


Deontology can be divided into three topics:  The Loss of the Caul, which covers psychogenesis and alienation, Hyperborean Law, which elaborates the nature of bondage and the process of becoming free, and Transcendental Law,  which elaborates on the process of  remaining free


Why were Kel Valhaal and Reign Array separated?   Maybe it was due to social inscription:  the inner child cloven  from the outer persona   by the Oedipal blade.   Or are they simply two modes of cognition?  Intuitive and deliberative?  Perhaps even cloven by the corpus callosum?